The University of Leeds has seen an occupation that has lasted exactly one week in support of the Palestinian people, who are suffering at the hands of the merciless Israeli Government.
We demanded that the University extended our solidarity to the down-trodden and oppressed people of Palestine by condemning the brutal Israeli attacks. Furthermore, we demanded that the University open its books to the public so that we could see which companies they invested in, and that subsequently they divest from all companies supporting the racist Israeli government, that the University send educational materials to Palestinian universities and to create at least 5 new scholarships for Palestinian students to come and study at the University of Leeds.
In response to our demands, the University made the following concessions:
On Monday, the Vice Chancellor issued a public statement in which he "expressed his dismay at the conflict and the loss of life in Gaza and Israel." The University has declared that it is "agreeable in principle to facilitating schemes to provide surplus educational materials to Palestine...and that it will discuss with LUU (Leeds University Union) ways of extending opportunities for Palestinian students to study at Leeds." The University has also stated that it will review its socially responsible investment policy and that it will accept a list of roughly a dozen companies which concern us most and they will inform us whether they do or do not invest in the aforementioned companies. We will actively pursue all of these concessions to ensure that they are followed through.
Obviously these compromises are not enough in relation to the enormity of the humanitarian crisis taking place in Palestine at this moment in time, however the actions of the University itself made full negotiations entirely impossible. The University attempted to split, disorientate and intimidate the peaceful occupiers of Botany House in a vain effort to weaken our resolve. First the University cut the LAN internet access to the building in a fruitless attempt to hamper our ability to communicate with the wider world and trying to cause a rift between the occupiers and the PhD students and staff using the building at the same time. After a few days the University cut off the gas supply to the building, leaving us with no heating as a further attempt to dishearten us. During one set of negotiation talks between our delegates and the Vice Chancellor, vague threats were made about turning off the electricity, a truly shameful and underhand tactic. Throughout the occupation we maintained a strong relationship with the PhD students who continued working in the building (all support staff were relocated), many of them voicing strong interest and support for our cause and our actions.
There were further limits to the effectiveness of our campaign due to a lack of support from some of the pro-Palestinian activists and some parts of the left on campus. Members of the exec at LUU used scare tactics to mobilise people away from the occupation and attempted to dissuade pro-Palestine activists from joining the occupation by announcing that the police would storm the building at night, a completely unfounded and treachorous statement. This kind of action has illustrated the lack of radicalism and real support from pro-Palestine exec members, who hide behind their rhetoric to maintain credibility whilst attempting to destroy the most militant aspects of protest in order to further their appeal to mainstream students.
Within the occupation itself we have been vocal in our willingness to engage the wider public, as well as supporting PhD students by allowing them in to continue their work. We were helpful and amicable to people of all political viewpoints, engaging in debates with autonomous individuals and members of the Labour Students society and the zionists which misrepresent JSOC on campus.
There was a huge array of groups within the occupiers and everyone got along well, worked together cohesively and were united together in our cause, though political debates were continuous and dialogue and left-wing banter was a central topic of conversation between the occupiers. Similarly, unaffiliated occupiers and activists were treated with the upmost respect. This illustrates that left groups and autonomous activists CAN work together and that the idea that there is no unity or solidarity on the left is a myth, nothing more.
With respect to the wider movement, we would like to express our solidarity with universities which are still occupying as well as those universities which acheived some or all of their goals and those which were ejected without demands being met. Within our occupation students have expressed a complete discontent with NUS, particularly after the passing of the governance review, and feel that a new students union is required to truly represent students and the issues which affect them and which they are concerned about. Therefore, we are calling for a conference of all universities who wish to split from the NUS and disassociate themselves from the oppresive bureaucracy which it represents. We would like to stress the importance of networking and making links between pro-Palestinian groups across the country and the planet, particularly the groups who have been involved in occupations, because continuing our struggle and our fight on behalf of the Palestinian people is paramount to this occupation.
Thank you for all your support,
The occupiers of Botany House.
Wooo! Down with the NUS...
ReplyDeleteHi friends,
ReplyDeleteThere is a meeting in London on 7 March to discuss the issue of where to go next after the passing of the NUS Governance Review:
I'm a Leeds student on exchange at the moment. I can't believe I didn't know about this! Thanks to all those involved in the occupation. I'm glad people are doing something!
ReplyDeleteCould you publicize that Nottingham have been forcibly removed and Sheffield Hallam occupiers are to be suspended from uni.
ReplyDeleteMy congratulations go to the university authorities at Nottingham and Sheffield Hallam. If it was up to me, you would all be expelled from Leeds University and forced to spend a few weeks with some Israeli families who live near the Gaza border. This should give you the wake-up call you so desperately need.
ReplyDeleteexpelled for trying to save lives????
ReplyDeleteand u cant say because it was disrupting people's education as a Leeds University lecturer said themselves that botany house is not one of the most used buildings on campus!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm Andrew Allison.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog!
I'm a massive racist.
Andrew Allison,
ReplyDeleteHaving looked at your blog, I'm not surprised to see the same old propaganda that could have come directly from the mouths of Israeli spokespeople. To be honest, I can't be bothered to explain why your arguments are ridiculous but I'll prescribe you with some of your own medicine: Try spending time living with a few Gazan families and maybe YOU'LL get the wake-up call that you so desperately need.
Andrew Allison, I was fascinated by your blog, expertly written, erudite, beautifully presented. I can only thank you for sharing your thoughts with a wider public. It truly is one of the best political blogs out there. Why aren't you on the radio? You should have a TV show. It is the libertarian conservative voice of reason many of us have been waiting for for so long. I can only assume you studied politics and English Lit, perhaps you lecture in it. Why oh why are there not more people like you in the world. It would surely be worth living in. Much rather your right wing musings on such a broad range of scintillating topics then the direct democracy and radical politics of the pro-Palestinian students who so foolishly believe the war in the Middle East is a disproportionate slaughter of an occupied and brutally treated minority in their own land. Well done I say Andrew, you truly put the Great into Britain and I'd be proud to call you my friend, even though the vast majority of the sentient would consider you a bigoted little c$nt.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:01. I see you make fallacious comments about me under the protection of anonymity. What a brave person you are. If you were brave enough to put your name to the comment you made, I would mount a legal case against you for defamation of character. What you said was insulting and untrue, but as I said you are not brave enough to put your name
ReplyDeleteto your comment.
Shafiq: You can't be bothered to explain why my arguments are ridiculous? Please do, so we can all marvel at your wisdom. What really gets my goat is the amount of anti-semitism around on these student websites. I'm not directing this at you personally, but you have to admit there is a rent-a-mob in Britain who are ready to attack Jews at any given opportunity. Israel wants to live in peace with its neighbours. This is a fact. Hamas wants to hide behind civilians in Gaza and then complain that atrocities are taking place when civilians are killed or injured. I don't need a wake-up call. The facts are there in glorious technicolour. You are the one who needs to open your mind and accept them.
Andrew Allison fan club: Parody is one of those things that fascinates me. Thank you.
ReplyDelete"Freedom of speech is being eroded in this country and I want this to stop. We should all join together and fight for our liberties."
"If it was up to me, you would all be expelled from Leeds University"
Ummm, can you explain these polar opposites of opinion, Andrew?
It's called being bi-polar
ReplyDeleteFight for our liberties; yes. Break the law and take over someone else's property; no. This really should be an obvious distinction, even for socialists.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Allison,
ReplyDeleteOur differences of opinion lie mainly in your assumption that Israel wants peace. Try telling that to the ordinary Fatah members who renounce violence, recognised Israel, yet are still restricted from moving around their own land (the West Bank), see foreigners building homes on this very land and then in turn, using these homes as a base to launch attacks on them, with the IDF doing absolutely nothing about it.
I'm not denying that there are people in Israel that want peace, simply that these people aren't in government. Now lets go back to the facts of the truce:
Having been signed on 19th June, Hamas completely stopped firing rockets, a fact that Israeli spokesman Mark Regev verified (are these the same people that want to destroy Israel?). The rocket firing did not completely stop as there were other militant groups firing but they did reduce dramatically (100+ in May to 1 each in September and October), mostly because Hamas tried to enforce the truce onto all the various militant groups (by confiscating weapons). They were successful, more successful than the IDF has ever been in reducing rocket attacks.
Now on November 4th (the eve of Barack Obama's election), Israel decided to bomb Gaza killing 6 Hamas fighters after which Hamas resumed firing rockets and the truce was broken completely. Is this Hamas' fault or Israel's fault? In addition, contrary to the terms of the truce, Israel refused to lift the blockade of Gaza meaning that most Gazans had to survive of bread made from animal feed. Despite all of this, Hamas offered a new ceasefire in December, which the Israeli government promptly rejected.
Now why again, should we support Israel?
P.S. About the whole anti-Semitism thing, the occupiers (as with the occupiers of all the various unis) were careful to make sure that their supporters did not have any anti-Semitic sentiments. The occupations took place alongside events remembering the Holocaust. Its also hard to be anti-Semitic when some of the occupiers (not in Leeds but at other universities) were Jewish themselves.
Shaifiq: You are missing out an important part of the equation. The Conservative Friends of Israel helpfully provided the following information. 'Under cover of the truce, Hamas engaged in a major campaign to upgrade its terrorist capabilities, manufacturing and smuggling massive quantities of weapons into Gaza – including rockets, explosive charges and machine guns – and constructing a network of underground tunnels for combat purposes.'
ReplyDeleteYou can choose to ignore this fact if you want to. In the same way you can choose to ignore the fact Israel was providing close to 4000 trucks worth of aid to Gaza before Hamas escalated its rocket attacks on Israel.
Hamas wants the state of Israel destroyed. It is a terrorist organisation and it is interesting how other Arab leaders decided not to come to Hamas's defence. There are always faults on both sides, however if those seeking the destruction of Israel ceased in their aim, there would be peace in the Middle East. Until then, Israel has every right to defend itself.
"Fight for our liberties; yes. Break the law and take over someone else's property; no. This really should be an obvious distinction, even for socialists."
ReplyDeleteWait, define 'fight'? What are you going to do? Write a stern letter to your MP, Andrew? How much faith you put in liars.
You can demonstrate and get maximum publicity for your cause. That's the best way and you will not be tresspassing on other people's property.
ReplyDeleteFree the stage! Free the stage!
ReplyDeleteAndrew Allison,
ReplyDeleteWhen Israel started planning the invasion of Gaza as early as June 2008 (when the truce was still being negotiated), how come that was described as 'sensible preparation' for a war, whereas when Hamas does pretty much the same, it is described as 'prof that Hamas never intended to keep the ceasefire'. - Hamas would have been stupid not to prepare for an onslaught, which they increasingly realised through the true period, was inevitable.
As for your 'fact' about the aid, Israel doesn't give any aid, it simply lets in aid from charities and the UN. This is an excerpt from an Oxfam report:
'In the months prior to the tightening of the blockade around 250 trucks a day entered Gaza with supplies , now the Sufa crossing is only able to deal with a maximum of 45 trucks a day. In most cases, this number is barely reached.'
'In 2008, there are over 1.1 million people – some three-quarters of Gaza’s population – who are dependent on food aid.'
Other Arab leaders (i.e. Egypt and Mahmoud Abbas) did not come to the aid of Hamas because they have everything to lose by Hamas being successful. Hamas is the sister party of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which is the largest opposition party in Egypt. Hamas being successful would mean that more and more Egyptians would question the dictatorship and corruption of Hosni Mubarak's government (Hamas won the 2006 election on a platform of transparency, anti-corruption, social welfare and suggestions that it was willing to make peace with Israel). Hamas being destroyed would give Fatah and thus Mahmoud Abbas no effective opposition, thus securing his position, which has looked very weak. As for Saudi Arabia, it's scared not to piss the US off. Other Arab countries such as Syria and Qatar did support Hamas and put the blame squarely on Israel.
Shafiq: We are never going to agree. One day the truth about Hamas will dawn on you.
ReplyDeleteAnd vice versa about Israel
ReplyDeletea young person who isn't a socialist has no heart, if they're still a socialist in later life they have no brain
I think both sides have points.
ReplyDeleteIsrael are a bunch of war mongering nutters who always seem to end up taking everything too far
Hamas are a bunch of fanatical nutters who are guided by a mad anti-semitism and have no sense of rationality. For fucks sake what did they think would happen? You wouldn't have sat in class all day throwing spitballs at the hardest kid in school would you? Don't fire rockets at Israel you dickheads! Seriously, what did they expect would happen? Idiots.
Personally I think the world should tell them they've both fucked up big time and take the whole stinking sandbox off the bastards until they can learn to play nice.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the numerous queries we have had about how people can voice their sentiments to the university management, we suggest that people contact the university either through:
ReplyDelete- Calling the university switchboard directly on 0114 225 5555,
- Sending an email to the following:
Vice Chancellor's PA: FAO Phillip Jones
Secretary's PA: FAO Liz Winders
In order that we can verify numbers of people registering complaints/sentiments should the University prove unwilling to divulge this information, you may CC or BCC your message to, though there is no obligation to do so.
"Its also hard to be anti-Semitic when some of the occupiers (not in Leeds but at other universities) were Jewish themselves"
ReplyDeleteSome of my best friends are Jews...
Strathclyde University Occupied by Students
ReplyDeleteStudents at the Strathclyde University in Glasgow, Scotland have occupied the main administration building (McCance) in solidarity with the people of Gaza.
UPDATE: The University has called in the police. Please express your support by publiczing this widely. Also call the protesting students on: 0759 5626057
for god sake if you understood zionism you would understand it is not a genocidal ideology so sop saying stuff which is patently untrue.
ReplyDeleteGood points Andrew. It's odd that in some peoples minds breaking the law is "free speech."
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous Feb 4 8:57 says "You wouldn't have sat in class all day throwing spitballs at the hardest kid in school would you? Don't fire rockets at Israel you dickheads! Seriously, what did they expect would happen? Idiots."
True, buy why the animosity towards Israel. They did what any country would do when some little shits are harassing them and trying to murder their citizens.
According to respected international lawyer Franklin Lamb a recent CIA report gives the Israeli state 20 years before it collapses. Apparently members of the US Senate Intelligence Committee have seen the report which argues that a two-state solution is no longer realistic and that a one-state solution is the only viable democratic option. It predicts:
ReplyDelete"an inexorable movement away from a two-state to a one-state solution, as the most viable model based on democratic principles of full equality that sheds the looming specter of colonial Apartheid while allowing for the return of the 1947/1948 and 1967 refugees. The latter being the precondition for sustainable peace in the region."
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The University of Leeds' compromises in solidarity with Gaza represent progress. Let us continue to work together for justice and change. Thank you for your efforts, Botany House occupants. 🕊️🇵🇸
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This heartfelt message from the occupiers of Botany House at the University of Leeds shows their dedication and solidarity with the Palestinian people. Their efforts to raise awareness and demand action from the university are commendable. Stay strong in your pursuit of justice and peace. Solidarity!
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The blog post titled "Final Statement: Solidarity with the people of Gaza" likely expresses a strong stance of support and unity with the people of Gaza, who have faced various challenges and conflicts over the years. Solidarity statements like this play a vital role in raising awareness about global issues and advocating for change. While the comment doesn't provide specific details about the content, it acknowledges the importance of standing in solidarity with communities facing adversity and seeking a better future.
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Thank you for raising awareness about the critical situation in Gaza. Your commitment to advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people and holding institutions accountable is truly inspiring. It's essential that we continue to support and uplift those who are suffering. Solidarity indeed! Data Science Courses In Malviya Nagar
ReplyDeleteSolidarity and strength to all those standing up for justice and human rights! It's inspiring to see students taking such a principled stand and pushing for meaningful change, even in the face of obstacles and attempts to silence their voices. The struggle for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people is a powerful reminder of the importance of collective action and unwavering resolve. May your efforts continue to shine a light on the issues that matter, and may this movement grow stronger with every challenge faced. Together, we can make a difference!
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This statement powerfully articulates the urgent need for solidarity with the Palestinian people in these challenging times. The actions taken by the University of Leeds demonstrate both the potential for meaningful dialogue and the resistance to true change. While the concessions made by the University are steps in the right direction, they fall short of addressing the urgent humanitarian crisis faced by Palestinians.
ReplyDeleteIt's commendable that the occupiers maintained a strong relationship with PhD students and engaged in respectful dialogue across differing political views, showcasing that unity is possible even amidst diverse opinions. However, it's disheartening to see the lack of support from certain pro-Palestinian factions, highlighting the necessity for genuine commitment to radical activism.
The call for a new student union reflects a critical awareness of the need for representation and accountability, which is essential for amplifying student voices in solidarity with global movements. Networking and solidarity across universities and movements are crucial for sustaining the momentum of this cause.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring account of resistance and for advocating for those whose voices are often silenced. Let’s continue to stand together in our fight for justice and solidarity with Palestine!
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The Leeds University occupation in 2009 was a significant student-led protest that focused on issues like university funding and the privatization of education. The final statement from the occupation outlined the students' demands, including calls for greater accessibility and a commitment to education as a public good. It reflected a broader discontent with governmental and institutional policies at the time. If you want to discuss specific aspects of the statement or the occupation, feel free to share!
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Thank you for highlighting the important solidarity movement at the University of Leeds in support of the Palestinian people. Your article sheds light on the urgent need for institutions to take a stand against oppression and advocate for justice. I appreciate your efforts in raising awareness and providing a platform for these crucial discussions.
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Your final statement captures the essence of your mission beautifully. It’s inspiring to see such dedication to a cause. Keep making an impact
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ReplyDeleteThe unwavering determination of the University of Leeds occupiers highlights the urgent need for solidarity with Palestine. Their persistence amidst challenges underscores the importance of activism for justice and humanity.
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The Final Statement encapsulates the key arguments and conclusions of the matter at hand, offering a concise yet impactful summary. It effectively distills complex ideas, providing clarity and reinforcing the message with precision and authority.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
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Thank you for raising awareness about the critical situation in Gaza. Your commitment to advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people and holding institutions accountable is truly inspiring. It's essential that we continue to support and uplift those who are suffering.
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ReplyDeleteIt looks like there's a hyperlink in the image, leading to a final statement from Leeds University Occupation, dated January 2009. This is likely related to a protest or student movement at Leeds University.
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