Thursday, 29 January 2009

Negotiations Continue

Sorry for the lack of updates, we have all been incredibly busy with lots of new support coming in after the start of term and negotiations with the uni.

Yesterday a group of three was elected to meet the Vice Chancellor's representatives and we talked at length - two and a half hours - about our demands and the Uni's response. The uni has released a statement to us today but we need to discuss a few more things with them. I will post up the results tomorrow.


  1. to really symbolise it how about you have a load of ak47s and rockets and suicide bomber belts and start aiming it at israel

    you say you dont support hamas yet by your actions your just saying that everyone in gaza is innocent and that everyone israel killed was an innocent this ignores the thousands of rockets fired into southern israel.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I completely agree.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Eh? Where have you all gone to?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. You can find a statement from Leeds here for those you you interested.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Wow, loads of BNP trolls visiting this site, nice to know it has an impact, shouldn't they be studying for their basic skills classes rather than messing around on blogs though?

  10. oh come on, you can't just go and accuse anyone who doesn't support you of being a BNP supporter! That's just complete bullshit!

    This 'four legs good two legs bad' absolutism is one of the things that annoys people about groups such as yours. From reading your statement it seems that the university has made some concessions; stating that they are concerned about the death and destruction in both Gaza and Israel, and how they are willing to look into their investment policy (by the way, what counts as a company investing bin Israel? If theres a Subway Sandwich shop in Tel Aviv does that mean I should dump my shares in Subway?) - but because they aren't going to immediately give in to all your demands you decide that they're the enemy. You can't ever consider both sides of an argument, you can't ever consider that you might be wrong about something.


  11. This sounds like you have had a eventful week guys - really good and congratulations from Bradford.

    Sussex have called a meeting for the 7th March to talk about what we do after NUS and if we need a new Union. It was called at the Extraordinary conference. The link is here - it would be great if you can get in touch to link up.
